If anyone would like to experiment with these, get in touch. There are pictures of the prototype etches in a small 4mm scale 0-4-0 posted earlier. There is some video of the 2mm version in action, and a list of CV values on the 2mm Scale Association website.
One etch per coupling (more if you are creative with the parts).
Prices £2 each, 6 for £10, 12 for £20 (UK post free), 20 for £30 (UK post free). Small orders post is £0.50 in the UK.

The etch picture shows the components;
top left - box to hold coil for rotating Alex Jackson (and similar rotation designs). Approx 4mm cube with "ear" for rotating shaft above.
bottom row - three different flap sizes
top right - base for DG coupling (2mm/N)
centre right - tongue for DG coupling
centre top - alternative brackets to box for coil (for very tight places).

Folded up box with simple flap (no counterweight).

Folded up DG version.